Sunday Family-Day!

Hey friends!

Summer means barbeques, shorts and tank tops, swimming, hiking, and, for my family, Sunday afternoon adventures.
The tradition of Sunday afternoon outings with my whole family began last summer. Sometimes we get in the car with no clue where we’re going, but we end up somewhere. We go out to eat some weeks, go for picnics, go swimming, or hiking. It’s different every week.

This week we went for our first Sunday afternoon family outing of the year. The weather was perfect! Actually, I think this is the first blog post where I wasn’t freezing while taking photos!





This week we went to Woodstock, Vermont, and went out to eat at a little place on the water. The kids had fun playing in the little river, and I was glad to get some sunshine. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to catch any of Silas’ wipeouts on camera.



Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about prayer. How long does it take for God to answer a prayer? Honestly, sometimes it feels like forever.

Do you ever pray consistently for something and then become so discouraged because nothing happens that you eventually give up and cease praying for that thing altogether? That’s me. I do that all the time! If I don’t see a situation or a relationship in my life changing, I become frustrated and drop the whole thing all together, because it hurts less to give up than to keep praying and longing for something and not see anything change.

It’s more comfortable to give up, but we weren’t meant to live comfortable lives. We weren’t meant to pray for something only when it’s convenient for us. God calls us to pray without ceasing, and to have faith that He can move mountains and do the impossible through us. If He’s put a burning passion and desire in your heart, you need to follow through and pray for that thing and trust that God is going to work in His own time.

I feel like I’ve been in a season of waiting for God to move for a while. I’ve been praying for some things for several years now, and I’ll admit that it’s discouraging when nothing happens. Sometimes it feels as though God can’t see me, and I feel alone. But then I think about how His thoughts are not my thoughts and His ways are higher than mine. I remember that God’s timing is not my own, and that I’m not called to pray for something only for a season, but until I see a change. Until something happens.



I’m obsessed with the song Seasons by Hillsong right now. The bridge says, “If You’re not done working, God I’m not done waiting.”

I want to live like that. I want to wait for God to move, and wait with great hope and expectation. I want to have unconditional faith that allows me to trust God’s plan and His timing.


The Quechee Gorge, VT



I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday!! Thanks for stopping by to see my family’s Sunday afternoon adventures (:

With love,



“If You’re not done working, God I’m not done waiting.”


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