The Ultimate Victory


Does life ever feel like a never ending battle? Do you ever find yourself becoming weary because you’re exhausted from fighting? Sometimes I pray for something and weeks, months, or even years go by and nothing happens. And what do I do? I give up, because I’ve lost the will to fight. I’ve run out of strength because the thought of winning in that particular situation seems impossible.



I’ve mentioned before that I tend to get lots of anxiety before/during my volleyball games. This season, I reminded myself of who each game belonged to. I reminded myself and my team repetitively that we had the God of Miracles on our team, and to whom the victory ultimately belonged to.

I’m using a sport as an example, but what does “winning” look like in a real life situation? We all fight battles. How would the outcome of these battles change if we remembered who already owned the victory?


“Take heart! I have overcome the world.”

-John 16:33

Jesus said those powerful words. He proclaimed that he has already won. That we don’t need to fight because the battle is already over. Every challenge we face, every demon in our lives, has been conquered by him already. All we have to do is simply call out to him for help.

He is more powerful than any storm in your life.



How much more peace and confidence would we have if we remembered that the God of Miracles was on our side, and that He helps us when we’re weak. How would that affect the way we live our lives? How we treat others?


You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit in the world.

– 1 John 4:4

This verse reminds me of the victory that we have over our fears. The Spirit that is alive in you is far more powerful than any fear you might face.


Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

– Isaiah 41:10


My hope is that you found some encouragement today. These verses are great to look back on during those times when you feel weary and defeated.

As always, thank you for reading! I hope you’re having a great week!



6 thoughts on “The Ultimate Victory”

  1. What a wonderful, encouraging and uplifting post! You are wise beyond your years! See you soon. Love you❤️ Grammie

  2. Patricia Tomaszewski

    Wish you and your entire Family a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope to
    See you and that everyone gets well soon!
    Old cliche… doesn’t matter who wins, but how you play the game that counts!! It is in that case we find peace. Be true to what is decent and right and get a good night sleep ….you will then be victorious!

    Hugs to you!

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