Things I Want To Journal About More + Why I Think It’s Helpful

I’ve kept a journal since I was about ten. I write about the highs and lows of my life, how I’m feeling about different situations, and about my goals. I HIGHLY recommend keeping one, as it is so beneficial for me, but I don’t think it has to look the same for everyone.

I was just reading Brighton Keller’s blog posts about brain dumping – if you haven’t heard of it, it’s basically sitting down and writing out every thought that’s on your mind, everything that is stressing you out, or preventing you from getting things done, and then leaving it there on the page and going on to tackle your day. Reading about it inspired me to be a little more disciplined and intentional with my own journaling.

Here are some categories that I want to work on writing about more!


This may sound weird, but I like to journal about the people that are important to me. Whether I need to contemplate something before bringing it up to someone, or I just want to write about how happy that person makes me, it’s so helpful to get it down on paper. It helps me understand how I’m feeling, and it’s also great to look back on to see how I’ve changed and grown. I love reading back through old memories and reliving them.


Sometimes God answers prayers, but we don’t really realize it until we go back and read through the things we were praying for a year or so ago. I definitely want to get better at this one so I can see how far I’ve come and be more grateful when my prayers are answered.

Dreams and Goals

Again, this one is about seeing progress and change. Also, I believe that if you write down the things you want to achieve, you’re more likely to make them happen.

Stress and Anxiety

I simply cannot have a productive day if I’m battling stressful thoughts and trying to get work done at the same time. I’m hoping to get better about writing out the things I can’t stop thinking about, and then letting them go. Sure, I might come back to them later to read over them and contemplate, but I don’t want to have them on my mind all day.

I try not to make journaling feel like a chore. Instead, I like to journal when I feel like I need to, when I’m feeling overwhelmed by emotions – either good or bad – and can’t go about my day efficiently without getting those emotions out of my head.

What are your thoughts about journaling? Do you love it, or is it not your thing yet?




What I Learned From Reading Joshua Chapter 1

Easy Steps Toward Self Care

What It’s Like To Write A Book

6 thoughts on “Things I Want To Journal About More + Why I Think It’s Helpful”

  1. Gabriella,
    I agree journaling does not look the same for everyone. I love to write and journal, but often times, I feel like it’s a chore. I will read articles about certain ways of journaling, start out strong, then lose steam. I like the idea of breaking the writing into categories and ‘brain dumping. This has helped me to feel better about just writing the way I feel, when I feel it and not sticking to specific criteria. Thank you for this perspective!

  2. Catherine Clark

    Hi Gabriella, I love the pictures of you and Moses! So precious! I don’t journal but it sounds like something that would be very beneficial for me. You make a very good case for journaling. Thank you for another great post.

  3. Suzanne Collins

    You are so right about journaling it allows you a safe place to vent and a way to see answered prayers; which really will bring you closer to God. Your faith increases and as it does, your worries decrease. My journal is more like my prayers to God and by communicating with Him I have learned to recognize his voice. So continue to journal and sharing your stories and let the world see how God has answered your prayers and in turn He can answer the prayers of others.

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