How I Stay Motived To Workout

Fitness has become a pretty big part of my life over the past few years. I believe I began working out when I was twelve years old, and have never really stopped since. Actually, I’ve come to enjoy my workouts (for the most part). And I’m hoping that by now, I’ve gotten to the point where fitness is such a crucial part of my life, that quitting isn’t ever an option.



It is crazy to see all the ways my body has changed from working out over the years. I went from being relatively thin, to thinner, and then bulking and gaining weight in muscle. When I first started my fitness journey, I went on a vegetarian diet and did mostly cardio. Even though I was only twelve, I lost weight. But as soon as I discovered my passion for lifting, strength training, and kickboxing, I quickly put on muscle and, yes, weight (more on that later).

Today, I want to cover WHY and HOW I am motivated to workout. First, let me address what I do, personally, to workout and stay active.



What I Do –

Like I said, I am pretty much passionate about lifting. It makes me feel so much stronger, and so much more satisfied, than any other kind of work out. Kickboxing is a close second, because although it doesn’t usually involve weight, it still makes me feel strong and toned.

I run occasionally, but I’m definitely not good at it. I mostly just run to tone up my legs, and balance out the strength training. I also like to walk, and I’ll do that on days when I’m really sore.

During volleyball season my workouts change because I’m training every day with my team. We mostly do strength training, which I enjoy.



Why I Do It –

In order to stay motivated to workout, you have to have a “why”. And no, your why should not be to look good. Because, at least for me, that won’t last long.

So, why do I work out? Several reasons. I don’t workout to be “skinny”, nor do I ever think I’ll be skinny. I workout to feel strong. To look strong. To build muscle so I’m better at volleyball, and have more energy for everyday life.

Something about lifting weights and strength training makes you mentally, as well as physically, tough. And I crave that accomplished, satisfied post-workout feeling.

I workout to take care of myself, because I believe my body deserves to be healthy. Basically, the mindset I try to keep is that I workout because I love my body, not because I hate it.



How I Stay Motivated To Workout –

Like I said before, fitness is just something I do. I don’t really give myself an option. But, of course there are days when I don’t feel like getting off the computer and going to workout, and mornings when I don’t feel like getting up two hours earlier so I can work out. So I have a few tricks/habits that keep me motivated short-term and long-term.

I don’t weigh myself.

Back to what I was saying earlier – I LOVE weight training. I put on muscle very quickly and easily, which is a good thing, but it also means I put on weight very quickly because of the amount of muscle I’m putting on. Therefore, I’ll always weigh more than I look like I weigh, and if I let that get to my head, it will hinder me from lifting as much weight as I can.

So, I try to weigh myself as little as possible, and not care about the number on the scale, but instead focus on getting stronger, leaner, and building muscle.

Pinterest Boards.

This may sound strange, but I created a Fitspiration board on Pinterest, so on those days when I’m feeling uninspired, I can look back at it for some motivation. If you’d like some motivation as well, you can view my fitness boards by following GabriellaCatherine on Pinterest.

Figure out what you like to do.

Do you prefer running? Walking? Lifting? Kickboxing? Dancing? Figure out what your favorite type of exercise is, and stick to it. There’s no point in trying to do something you don’t enjoy.

Cute workout clothes.

Cute workout clothes are the best, but clothes you feel comfortable working out in are even better. Personally, I prefer shorts or spandex over leggings, and tank tops over t-shirts. You just have to figure out what works best for your body type and fitness style.

I schedule my workouts.

My schedule is pretty consistent from week to week, so I always schedule my workouts. For example, I always schedule a workout for Monday afternoons, Tuesday afternoons, Wednesday mornings, etc. That doesn’t mean I beat myself up if something comes up and I miss a workout, it just means my workouts are always planned on my calendar, so I’m more likely to do them.

Have a friend hold you accountable.

Even if you just text them when you wake up early for a morning workout, so they can make sure you’re up and that you stay up. Telling a friend that you’re going to workout makes you more likely to follow through. You can even find a friend that will workout with you – and then go get green juice or protein shakes afterward!

Take one day at a time.

When I cheat and have ice cream, or when I miss a workout, I try not to beat myself up or have a mindset of having to make up for the damage I did. I simply wake up, forget about the ice cream (or French fries, or the missed workout), and tell myself that today is a new day. Taking one day at a time, and doing your best to be healthy that day, will make your fitness journey seem much less intimidating.



If you got anything from reading this post, I hope it’s this: you DESERVE to workout and take care of your body. You deserve to be strong. You deserve to eat healthy. Exercising isn’t punishing your body for the cheat day you had, it’s loving your body and making it stronger and more capable.

I hope you enjoyed! See you soon!






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4 thoughts on “How I Stay Motived To Workout”

  1. Catherine Clark

    I really enjoyed this blog post. Eating healthy and being physically active is so important. Incorporating exercise into your everyday life is wonderful and accountability is key. Thank you for all of the helpful tips to stay focused. It’s very easy to make excuses as to why we can’t exercise and say we’ll do it tomorrow!

  2. Patricia Tomaszewski

    Good luck to you and your outlook on your future!
    Weight training as a young woman needs professional guidance. Hoping you are seeking a pros input going forward so you don’t hurt yourself.

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