What Does Faith Have To Do With Fitness?

What does faith have to do with fitness? Are the two connected, or are they totally separate things? I had that thought the other day during my workout, and it really got me thinking.

As I’ve said before, I believe fitness and a healthy lifestyle are about much more than just the way you look. It’s about taking care of your body and respecting yourself. It’s about being healthy, physically and mentally, so you can take care of others. And being healthy so you are prepared to go wherever God calls you in life, and to live fully.

So, are the two – faith and fitness – connected? A couple of years ago, I would have said no. But I’ve learned a lot over the years during my fitness journey. Sometimes, I pray about my health. Actually, I pray about it a lot. I pray that I will always continue to feel a desire to be healthy. I pray that God will protect me from injuries so I’ll be able to continue doing what I love, which is being active, strong, and lifting weights. And I also pray that I’ll be able to use my passion for fitness to encourage and inspire others.

I’ve talked about this before, but I also think it’s very important to set an example for those who look up to you (your kids, grand kids, younger siblings, etc,) of what it looks like to take care of yourself and live a healthy life. We each only get one body, so why waste it? Why not push yourself to find your limits, and grow as strong as you can? I don’t believe it’s self-centered, or conceited, but instead, a form of respect toward yourself, God, and your loved ones. In order to take care of others, you must first take care of yourself.

So my answer is yes, I believe fitness has a lot to do with faith. I believe that having the ability to exercise is a blessing. And that staying healthy and fit is honoring God with our bodies. I also believe God didn’t make us to sit around all day, but that He intended for us to challenge ourselves and take care of ourselves through physical fitness, as long as we are physically able to.

Of course, this is my opinion, and you are free to disagree. But when the idea came to me, I thought it’d be interesting to write a post about it. I would love to know your thoughts on this subject, so leave me a message in the comments below!

Happy Wednesday!




Living A Healthier, Happier Life | And Why It’s Important

How I Stay Motivated To Workout

Easy Steps Toward Self-Care

2 thoughts on “What Does Faith Have To Do With Fitness?”

  1. Catherine Clark

    You are so wise and full of faith! I believe God gave us our bodies and He wants us to take care of them. Many people have disabilities, injuries or illnesses and they are not able to be physically active. If God has blessed us with a healthy body we need to be thankful and take care of it. We often get busy or lazy and choose not to exercise. We need to be faithful and honor God by taking the time to be physically fit. Great post!

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