My Tips For Clear Skin


Skincare is something I get a lot of questions about. Over the past couple years I’ve figured out a really good skincare routine that has helped me completely get rid of any acneI had. I will admit that I’m blessed with good skin, but I also know that a big part of achieving flawless skin is taking good care of it. Now that summer is here, it’s really nice to have clear skin so you can avoid wearing much make-up.

So today, I’m excited to be sharing my tips on how I’ve cleared my skin of any blemishes! Hopefully they’ll help you out, too!




Never sleep with make-up on

Never. Just don’t do it. Even if you wash it off when you wake up in the morning, your face with be lacking that healthy glow, and you may wake up with a pimple because you let the make-up sit on your face for so long. I think of nighttime as time for my skin to rest, recharge, and hydrate with whatever moisturizer I put on it.


Wash your face twice a day

I always wash my face in the morning and at night. Keeping your skin clean is totally necessary if you’re trying to get rid of blemishes. I use either an exfoliating scrub or my favorite acne wash (linked here) in the morning to clear all the dirt and oil, and then I use a gentler cream cleanser at night.


The double-cleanse method

This has seriously made SUCH A DIFFERENCE with my skin! The double-cleanse method is where you use two different cleansers to wash your face before bed. I use this cleanser by Pond’s first to wash off my make-up, and then this one by Neutrogena to clear any extra oil and dirt. Both are very gentle and won’t strip the skin. This method takes maybe two extra minutes, but it’s definitely worth it and I’ve notice that it’s really helped clear my skin.



I used to think that using a moisturizer would create more oil on my face and cause acne. But it doesn’t have to if you do it right, and can actually help prevent acne. I use a very light moisturizer in the morning before putting on make-up, and then a heavier, more hydrating one at night. My favorite moisturizer for acne prone skin (or just oily skin) is  this one from Mary Kay. It doesn’t make your face oily, it just supplies it with the moisture it needs.

And for nighttime I use this amazing one by Pond’s. I LOVE how clear and fresh my face looks in the morning after using this. It’ pretty heavy so it’s good for people with dry skin, but if you have normal or oily skin, maybe only use it every other night.



Use a toner

A toner helps get rid of oil and clear acne, and although I don’t think it’s a completely necessary step I thought I should include it because I use one almost every day.


Find a sunscreen that doesn’t cause you to break out

It’s important to protect your skin from the sun in the summer, but some sunscreens can make you break out when you put them on your face. I’ve been using this one that’s under $8, and it has kept my face protected, yet doesn’t cause any blemishes. This SPF 50 is made specifically for your face, and won’t make it oily.


Wash your hands before washing your face

This one is a bit surprising, but think about all the bacteria your hands touch. If you’re on your phone or laptop (both contain lots of germs), and then you touch your face when you go to watch it, the bacteria will spread to your skin. So make sure your hands are clean before you go to take off your make-up.


Try a natural face mask

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I love DIY hair and skin masks. My favorite ingredients for skin that needs a little extra love are egg whites, lemon juice, avocado, and coconut oil. I have a post on my favorite face mask right here.


Cut out the junk food

I’m sorry for everyone that loves potato chips, but if you want to clear up your skin, you may need to change up your diet. Drinking lots of water will also help with your skin.


Talk to a dermatologist

If you struggle a lot with acne and all these other tips don’t do very much to clear your skin, you may want to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. I know several people who could only cure their acne with medication, and their skin looks amazing after seeing a dermatologist. I’d say if all else fails, you may want to consider doing this.



I think the best thing you can do for your skin is take care of it consistently. If you figure out a good skincare routine that works for your skin, and you keep it up for several months, you will see a difference. And if you develop good skincare habits now, it will lead to long-term results.

I hope you find these tips helpful! If you have any good tips for getting rid of acne, let me know in the comments! (Because acne is a pain and no one wants to deal with it, haha.)


With love,




Easy Steps Toward Self-Care

Morning Rituals | Starting The Day Off Right

The Most Amazing Mask Ever!

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