What to do on Days when You can’t even Look in the Mirror

Do you ever have days where you feel you’ll burst into tears if you simply look at yourself in the mirror?

Do you have days where you don’t want to leave the house because you can’t find anything in your closet that fits?

Do you sometimes stand in a dressing room and cry because you hate what you see in the mirror?

Then this post is for you.



I can relate to each of those circumstances more than I’d like to admit. Sometimes people think of body image insecurities as petty and immature, but I know first hand that they are REAL and they can be painful. It’s an area that I’ve struggled in, as ashamed as I am to admit it.

For the most part, I try to keep this blog as a place for you to find empowerment and inspiration. But today, I want to talk about something that has been on my mind to write about for a while. As difficult as it is to talk about, I want to because I think there might be some people that can relate.



I think I’m a pretty confident person overall. I have come to a place where I know who I am in Christ, and I value that above my outward appearance. On the days when I question my worth, I have friends that remind me of my accomplishments, and the things I am yet to accomplish. But it has taken time to get to where I am.

I think it’s a decision that we have to make. We have to see ourselves as beautiful, and believe it for ourselves. Because compliments only touch the surface. In all honesty, I could be told over and over that someone thinks I’m beautiful, but if I don’t believe it for myself, it means nothing. And on days when I’m feeling horribly ugly and unlovable, hearing someone say, “You’re beautiful on the inside and that’s what matters!” doesn’t cut it, even though it was said with good intentions.

I have definitely gotten to a much better place with body image over the past several months. But, like every other girl, I still have those days. Those days when nothing fits; when I want to cry when looking in a mirror; where have to remind myself to take care of my body. Those days come, and they come hard.

I’ve put together a list of steps (a game plan, even) for those days. To help make them not quite so miserable, and to even help you grow emotionally during those days.



  • When you’re getting ready for the day – Wear an outfit that you are comfortable in, even if you’ve worn that outfit a million times. DON’T pack on the make-up until you’re unrecognizable. Tell yourself that you ARE confident enough to wear a natural look.


  • During the day – If avoiding mirrors is what it takes . . . do just that. When I’m having an off day, I tend to stare into the mirror for a ridiculous amount of time. You see, we usually look into a mirror until we’re satisfied. I know for a fact that I will NEVER feel satisfied on these “ugly days”, so I think my best option is to not even step in front of a mirror unless it’s necessary.


  • Treat yourself, even if you don’t feel like you deserve it – The worst thing you can do is play along with the trick your mind is playing on you and give in and tell yourself you don’t deserve to eat. So make a point to allow yourself a bowl of ice cream, a piece of cake, a milkshake – anything you really enjoy. Eat that today, and tell yourself that tomorrow you will get back on track and eat healthy when you’re feeling better.


  • Make a literal list of compliments – Instead of simply saying “thank you” when receiving a compliment, write that compliment down. Think about it. Think about the person that gave you that compliment. Try writing down every compliment you receive in a week, and then look over your list at the end of the week. I’ve done it before, and it works.


  • Remember that the way you look really isn’t the most important thing in life – When it comes down to keeping your priorities straight, I hope that the way you look isn’t at the top of your list. Some days, I just need to remind myself that there is SO much more to life than how I look. Proverbs 31:30 – Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting. In the end, how much is my appearance going to matter? I’m not really taking it to eternity with me, so how important can it be?


  • Remind yourself of everything you have accomplished in your life, and everything you plan to accomplish in the years to come – Make a physical list if you need to. Then ask yourself – are you going to let your insecurities get in the way of the great things you are going to accomplish?


  • If all else fails . . . pray, go to bed, and get a fresh start the next day.


I hope that this post was helpful. I know how hard these off-days can be, and honestly, sometimes it’s more of an off-season rather than just one day. But know that it will get better. The pain of feeling insecure doesn’t last forever.

Lauren Alaina has a song that she wrote after battling an eating disorder called “Pretty”. The chorus says “There’s no difference between a mirror and a liar; because pretty is, as pretty does.” The song talks about how being pretty isn’t measured by how perfect you are on the outside, but instead, who you are and how you love others.

I know this is a heavy (and long!) post, but I felt like I wanted to share what was on my mind. Those tips I gave you have helped me, but some days I end up simply praying and asking God to give me the ability to see myself through His eyes. I encourage you to try it sometime, because it really does work.

Psalm 139:14 – I praise you, because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works.





Photos by Wildy Authentic.


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4 thoughts on “What to do on Days when You can’t even Look in the Mirror”

  1. thank you Gabriella! I love this post so much! It is so encouraging and even more so to know you go through this stuff too!

  2. I am so proud of you for sharing this blog. I know it took a lot of courage for you to write these words. You will inspire and help many with your openness. God is certainly using you to shine a light to others. 💕

  3. Patricia Tomaszewski

    You touched on this lightly but I believe in my experience….a good nap or night sleep will solve any of those insecurities.

    Napping is an underrated support tool for confident living.

    Love ang hugs,

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