Easy Steps Toward Self-Care

Lately, I’ve been focusing on the importance of self-care. Whether it’s physical or emotional, you’ve got to take care of yourself! Because if you don’t feel happy and healthy, how are you suppose to enjoy each experience in life? And if you don’t take care of yourself, how will you take care of others?

I believe God wants us to take care of ourselves and be healthy. I believe it brings Him joy when we take care of the bodies He designed and gave us. After all, we only get one body, so it only makes sense to take care of it.



Today I have a list of seven things you can do to take care of your mind and body. All of them are simple and easy things to get you started, but the longer you practice self-care, the more of a routine it becomes.



The way I see it, if I’ve got a lot on my mind, I can’t keep going with my day until I’ve written it down, talked about it with someone, or prayed about it. Journaling is a great way to take all your worries and concerns, put them on paper, and then leave them there so you can go on with the rest of your day.

Waking up early to have quiet time/”me time”

If you live in a full house (like me) the morning, when everyone is still asleep, might be your only time to have some quiet time/me time. And if you go to work or school, getting up early to have time to do a full morning routine and do a devotional is a much better way to start your day than rushing out of the house in minimal time.

Coffee with a friend

Or chai, if you don’t drink coffee like me (: But just the act of setting aside time to meet a friend, talk about life, and treat yourself to a coffee or latte, is good for the soul. Whether it’s your best friend, or someone you want to get to know better, coffee dates are a great way to take care of your mind.


I believe stretching is as important (if not more important) than working out. I ALWAYS stretch after working out, because it helps your muscles recover after all the work they just put in.

Taking a walk

I looovvveee walking. Especially in the summer. As I’ve mentioned before, I love taking my after dinner walks when the weather is nice. Walks are a good way to multitask – to take care of your mind and body at the same time. You can listen to music or a podcast while you walk. Or you can bring a friend along, and similarly to the coffee date, you can talk and catch up about life. Just don’t forget to stretch after that walk (;

Hair and skin care

This is a good one for us girls, but it’s also important for guys, too. Figuring out a good hair and skincare routine is a very healthy self-care step. You can read about my skincare habits here.

Drinking water

This might be the healthiest thing on this list. If you aren’t in the habit of drinking lots of water each day, you might want to consider starting. Go buy yourself a nice new water bottle, and try to track how many bottles you can drink a day. My goal is always 4 or 5 twenty-four ounce bottles, that way I’m drinking around 100 ounces each day.



All right! Those are seven of my easy, simple ways to incorporate self-care into your life. But I’m always looking for new ways, so if you have ideas, share them with us in the comments!

I hope you’re all having a great week!





The Confidence To Not Care

Things That Make Me Smile

What To Do On Days When You Can’t Even Look In The Mirror

4 thoughts on “Easy Steps Toward Self-Care”

  1. Thoughtful youth, how refreshing! Keep on writing, and walking.Not sure why, but I find drinking that much water the hardest task. Jeff and Grammie

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