Life is full

Life is Full

Life is full. Full of joy. Full of pain. Full of laughs. Full of tears.

As I write this, I’m sitting down after a long day with one of my babies, sweet little Karaline (if you’re new here, I’m a nanny ). I’m now watching my little siblings play with our dog. I’m happy because I’ve just spent the day pouring my love and energy into someone so small and innocent and dependent. I’m tired, but I feel content. I feel fulfilled. I wonder if this is what it feels like to be a mom – putting so much time and effort into caring for someone who can’t possibly return the favor, yet you get so much back. You get a love, a bond, and a comfort you can’t really describe.

Life is full
Life is Full
Life is full

I could sit here and talk all day about how much I love my job, but let’s get back to what I intended this post to be about…

Life is full – full of hope, fear, accomplishments, and failures. Every day can’t possibly be all good. That’s just not how it works. But every day certainly isn’t all bad. There are blessings in the hard times, and in the waiting. I try to focus on living in the moment, not rushing through the hard seasons, but learning and growing from the pain.

There really is a time, a season, for everything in life. Sometimes, you have to go through a dry season before you achieve what you’re working for. But the thing is, even though these dry seasons suck, we learn so much from them, even if we don’t realize it until after that season has passed.

I’m in a season right now where I feel like it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all that is going on. It’s a busy, chaotic, full time in my life. But when moments of joy and success and love come along, it’s important to know the value of those moments. To take small opportunities and make them count. To make the most of the blessings we’re given, and to be thankful and recognize that they’re from God.

Life is full
Life is full
Life is full

So yes, I’m stressed, and broken, and anxious at times. But I’m full of so many other, good things. I’m full of hope, joy, and anticipation of what’s to come. I’m full of faith in God. I’m full of strength, even though some days I feel weak and incapable.

We may not always feel these good things inside ourselves, but it’s important that when we do, we embrace them and are thankful for them. And that when life is hard, we remember that the good outweighs the bad, and that none of it compares to the joy of what is to come.


Gabriella and Karaline


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Thanksgiving photo

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