10 Lifestyle Habits for 2020 | Because I’m Anticipating a Good Year

I like to do one of these “productivity posts” at the beginning of each year because it helps me feel like I’m on top of things. I also like sharing what has been working for me, so you can be inspired and live your best, fullest life as well. And I don’t believe that that comes easily – I believe it takes planning, strategy, discipline, balance, and good habits to live your best life.

So yes, I’m anticipating a good year. I’m telling myself that 2020 will be a good year, and I’m recognizing that it’s entirely my responsibility to make that happen. I believe that almost everything in life can be determined by your mindset. I’m predicting this year to be full of hard work, accomplishments, joy, and good memories, and fully accepting that it’s my responsibility to make that happen.

I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions. They feel restrictive to me. I like to try things out and make sure they work for me before I fully commit. I also don’t want to feel guilty if I happen to get sick or overtired and miss a workout, therefore messing up a ‘workout every single day’ resolution.

But I do have some goals, and some healthy habits I am incorporating into my life this year that I wanted to share with you. Most of them aren’t new, but have carried over from last year.

Living a more “active lifestyle”

I can’t promise I will workout every day of this year. That wouldn’t be healthy. I need to take care of my body, and sometimes that means giving myself a rest day.

BUT I want to make sure I’m more active throughout the day – even if that means just taking a walk to a friend’s house, or dancing in the kitchen with the kids I babysit while dinner is cooking.

Listening to Podcasts

Right now I’m loving the She podcast by Jordan Lee Dooley, and I love listening to it while I take walks with my dog, while I run, or while I’m getting ready in the morning. Listening to other people talk about things that inspire them/things they’re passionate about, motivates me and gets my creativity flowing.

Tracking what I eat

Hannah got me a Wellness Tracker for Christmas, and I’ve been tracking my meals just to be mindful of what I’m eating, what makes me feel best, and how I’m fueling for workouts. I don’t count calories or macros, because I know when I need to eat, and I know that on days when I workout I need more protein and carbs. I just track which foods I eat and specifically, what I eat to fuel my workouts.

Meet with more inspirational people

I LOVE coffee dates with friends . . . but I also love getting coffee with people I feel I can learn from. Whether it’s business, creativity, or spiritually, by asking to buy someone a coffee and then sitting and listening to them talk, you can learn a lot.

Read More Books

I just started reading Good Morning, Good Life by Amy Landino, and it’s so good so far! I want to make daily reading a habit. It’s beneficial for anyone, but especially for writers. And this book is so helpful for anyone who wants to make the most of their time.

Not Care What Anyone Else Thinks About Me, My Lifestyle, Or My Plan For My Life

Because no one needs other people’s opinions determining their decisions.

I could write an entire post about this, and I think I just might, but seriously, when you are living your best life and chasing after the things you’re passionate about, you don’t need other people’s opinions to hinder you. LIKE AT ALL. Something I’ve had to learn coming into my writing career is that the only opinion I can allow myself to care about is God’s. Otherwise, I’m not my most confident, determined self.

Wake Up Early

I talked about the benefits of waking up early in my morning routine post, but I think the biggest one is just having time to yourself to do your full morning routine, and to not start the day on a rushed, stressful note.

ALSO, I’m currently working on my next book, my sequel (wahoo!!), and mornings are my designated writing time, so I’m ready to make the most of that time this year.

Get Enough Sleep

Always a struggle for me. I like to stay out late and then get up early – not a good combination!

Choose my mindset for Each Day

Again, I could write an entire blog post about this one topic as well! But basically, I want to get up every day and tell myself how my day is going to go. I don’t want anyone else to make that decision for me. Not the news, not social media, not that person who lives in a constant state of negativity (we all know at least one).

Focus on who I surround myself with

On a similar note, you are who you hang out with. I once heard that you are the sum of the five closest people to you, which is really cool to think about.

What kind of person do you want to be? Hang out with people like that.

There you have it! Those are my top ten lifestyle habits for 2020, but I’m always looking for more to incorporate into my life. So leave me a comment below and let me know if you have any good habits for a better, more productive life!


Gabriella Catherine


Ways To Be More Productive This Year

Let’s Talk About Morning Routines

Life Is What You Make It

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