It Doesn’t Have To Control You

All right y’all, I’m going to be real with you today!

So the other night I was talking with my friend, and she said this: “the things and the people of this world only have power over you if you let them.

AMAZING, RIGHT? I asked her to repeat it because I was almost caught off guard by how powerful of a statement it was! Now let me share my thoughts on this, because her statement really got me thinking…

Sometimes, we pity ourselves because of the situations we’re in. I’m guilty of this. I’ve said things like, “That situation caused me to act like this,” or, “That person hurt me, so I’m acting out of anger because of them.” It’s easy to use that as an excuse. “I’m depressed because of that situation.” “The weather outside is gross, so I’m going to have a bad day.” “I can’t live in freedom because of them.”

And yes, people can hurt us. They can make us cry for a day. But after that, it’s YOUR DECISION how the rest of your story goes. YOU decide how you live moving forward.

The only person that should change, shape, and form you, is God. So that person that makes you feel like less than you are; that situation that causes you unneeded stress; whatever is causing you anxiety at night; whatever is holding you back from being free and joyful – give it to God and leave it at His feet. You don’t need it anymore. You have better things to do today!

They can’t control you unless you let them!

Ugh, I just love this because when you truly believe it, you can wake up each day and say, “Today is going to be a good day because I have God on my side, and because I choose joy. I choose happiness. I choose thankfulness. And no one can change that, no matter what they do to me, how they treat me, or what they say behind my back.”

And that, my friends, is living your life with passion (;


Gabriella Catherine


“Yesterday” Is Heavy

How To Not Care What Other People Think

Live Passionately

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