A Work in Progress


I’m an all or nothing person. I’m not going to start a race and not finish it. So when I’m passionate about something, when I begin working on a new project, or start trying to grow a new relationship, if I don’t see immediate results for my efforts, I become discouraged. I want to accomplish big things . . . and I want to accomplish them now. I don’t settle for ok or all right or it’s a work in progress. I want perfection – as soon as possible.



Lately I’ve been learning that my timing is not God’s timing. Living for Him requires a lot of waiting . . .  A LOT.


This post is for those who are in a season of waiting, and who want to give up.


I’ve been there. Heck, I’m there now, and it’s hard. Sometimes it doesn’t feel worth it. The devil whispers to you that giving up would be easier, would be more comfortable and more practical. Fear tells you you’ll never mend a relationship . . . that you’ll never accomplish your dreams . . . that you’ll never see that person walk through the doors of a church. But you have to block those voices out.



Writing a book has caused me to have to have SO much patience. Sometimes it’s really overwhelming. I’ve been working on one of my books for several years; I’ve put my heart and soul and hours of my time into that book. I’m passionate about it. All I want is to walk into a book store and see my book on a shelf. But it’s NOT an easy or quick process. You have to go through the self-edit, the professional-edit, marketing, formatting, proofreading, cover design, copywrite, etc. And that doesn’t even include actually writing the book, which can take years! Not to mention, uh, publishing – and finding a publisher, an agent, bata readers, editors, and all that fun stuff. As a teenage girl who’s only income is my babysitting job, it’s very intimidating.

But my point isn’t to show you how “tough” my life is, my point is to show you that most all good things take time. They take development. When I began writing at the age of twelve and had no clue what it took to publish a book, I envisioned myself finishing writing and publishing that book in about a year or two. I didn’t think about the financial commitment, or even the time or the mental commitment that I would have to put in. But, obviously, things didn’t turn out how I’d planned and that made me frustrated. I thought, “If it’s God’s plan for me to be a writer, why is this taking SO LONG?”

But I continued to make progress, to put more time and energy into the thing I’m passionate about, and have continued moving forward in progress ever since. Slowly but surely.



It might feel like you’re stuck on a stationary bike, putting in the work but seeing no results in return. It might feel like you aren’t getting anywhere except worn out, tired, and discouraged. Giving up may seem like your easiest way out.

But God isn’t done with you yet. You are making progress. It takes TIME for people to grow. It takes time to forgive those who have hurt us. It takes time to let go of the past and forgive OURSELVES.


So to the person who is ready to give up . . . to the person who feels like their efforts are worthless . . . like they’re trying to help someone but that person is returning your love with hate . . . don’t lose hope. God notices your efforts, even if it feels like no one else does. You will reach the end of the race one day. All your hard work will soon pay off. Even if you have to wait until you reach heaven to hear someone tell you thank you or good job, it will be worth it.

Keep working.

Keep praying.

Keep healing.

Keep mending.

Keep pushing forward.

Keep making progress.

God isn’t done with you yet.


Romans 12:12 – Do not give up when trouble comes. Do not let anything stop you from praying.


With love,

Gabriella Catherine


(More on overalls here.)


Taking The Risk

Life Is What You Make It

I’ve Got A Dream

1 thought on “A Work in Progress”

  1. I will cherish reading this treasure as a blessing from God, as that is what you, also, are, Gabriella! For HE has created you for such as this-a writer for His Glory fulfilling your purpose in His kingdom! May you truly know His blessing upon you!

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